Since a youth, DayatraAmber has been fascinated by investigating the human condition. She pondered and poured over questions like "how did we get here?', and "where do we go from here?" Like the countless souls before her, she sought answers through higher education, the elders, and the Ancestors on whose shoulders we stand today. DayatraAmber studied psychology, history, theology, exercise science, ancient philosophy and world religions and cultures and found a fundamental thread; Radical Self-Love.
The truth seekers of the world have all, at some point, realized that if we want to know the real truth, look for it in plain sight. Evaluate the salient realities around you and ask yourself "who benefits from this narrative?" and "why would anyone want people to believe this?" Her research lead to a path of recognizing the patterns of main-stream culture and connecting them to false narratives of self-lack. If people believe that they need the things that are marketed to elicit our deepest insecurities, then people will unconsciously buy and consume products that are not only unnecessary but even cause harm to ourselves and our environment.
Radical Self-Love is a back to basics approach to HEALING and de-colonizing our mind, body and spirit. Attention to our breath, gratitude, roots & cultural knowledge and practice are a few aspects that Radical Self-Love embodies. We have the power to create our own habits and prioritize best practice for our selves and generations to come.
I am DayatraAmber and I invite you to journey with me and the RSL Tribe toward Self-HEALING: wishing you wisdom, wealth & well-being.